Retain me long-term as your back pocket agency

Micro-Agency Services

Once the brand strategy is set, and if you’re still not quite ready to hire a full-time marketing department, and you like working with me, you can retain my services as your agency. Because once you have a great brand, there are projects that need to get done right? I can quarterback it all.

Retain an agency partnership with me for:

  • 5 hours per week for 6-months = $12,000

  • 5 hours per week for 1-year = $20,000

  • 10 hours per week for 6-months = $24,000

  • 10 hours per week for 1-year = $42,000

WHAT YOU’RE BUYING For those rates, you’re essentially hiring me as your creative director/manager/strategist. I’ll activate my own specialists on the project work by pulling in creative talent who can execute the brand vision on projects you have the budget for. They’d be hired separately to execute your projects, while I coordinate their deadlines within the weekly time you’ve purchased. My creatives would invoice your company separately for their work (meaning I don’t mark up their fees) and they will likely show up in meetings or on calls from time to time. Here are some typical projects I’m qualified to direct during our 6-12 month engagement as a micro-agency:

  • Application of your logo across existing marketing collateral or designing new collateral.

  • Illustration or custom art

  • Website design + ongoing management.

  • Content creation & management (writing for websites, blogs, social, etc)

  • Digital strategy work (aka SEO)

  • Photography. Especially photos of your team and products/services.

  • Integration of the new brand with Social Media, and attaching a social media manager.

  • Video strategy & projects.

  • Ongoing brand strategy: “what if we did this…” that is, someone who’s always thinking about what we can do better, more of, less of, etc.

  • Advising company leadership on creative talent hiring, contracting, vetting skills, etc. and then directly managing the creatives.